On-line stuff

Friday, October 27, 2006

I recently ran across some pretty good online resources. I thought I would pass them on.

This website is part of the D.A.W.N movement (Disciple A Whole Nation). It does a good job at explaining this idea and giving you links to explore it further. In some ways it is the same as house church with a different name.

Houses That Change The World: Towards a Re-Incarnation of Church

This is Wolfgang Simpson's great book about house churches and it is ALL on-line. For free!

Jesus Has Left the Building

Here you can read the intro and first chapter of a brand new book by Paul Viera. I love the title!

Church Planting Movements

This is a short book written my missionary strategist, David Garrison. It is the basis of the IMB’s (the org I work with) missionary strategy around the world. It is also growing in influence in many other circles.

The Emerging Church: Future or Fad

This is a 7 page article by Scott McKnight.

and then...

Café Théo

This is a website associated with a group that I'm starting with French leaders to discuss better ways to reach les Québécois. Take a look at the article by J-S Morin – Houston, Nous avons un problème! Join us some Monday morning.




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