Have you ever had one of these moments?
Friday, October 27, 2006
I recently ran across some pretty good online resources. I thought I would pass them on.
This website is part of the D.A.W.N movement (Disciple A Whole Nation). It does a good job at explaining this idea and giving you links to explore it further. In some ways it is the same as house church with a different name.
This is Wolfgang Simpson's great book about house churches and it is ALL on-line. For free!
Here you can read the intro and first chapter of a brand new book by Paul Viera. I love the title!
This is a short book written my missionary strategist, David Garrison. It is the basis of the IMB’s (the org I work with) missionary strategy around the world. It is also growing in influence in many other circles.
The Emerging Church: Future or Fad
This is a 7 page article by Scott McKnight.
and then...
Café Théo
This is a website associated with a group that I'm starting with French leaders to discuss better ways to reach les Québécois. Take a look at the article by J-S Morin – Houston, Nous avons un problème! Join us some Monday morning.
Church for some of us happens in TINY increments, TINY spaces and sometimes with TINY amounts of people. It happens many times a week and many times a day when the various aggregations of God's people come together around coffee or taking care of business or helping someone and especially at mealtimes. It happens more often in my kitchen than in my study. Our "oikos", or extended family, changes daily depending on who is eating with us or staying with us that day, but it is still a tiny cellular unit that finds variety and visibility only when connected to other oikoses like it. Then it is seen as an integral part of the church in our city. . . .ok . . . town.
The next meeting of the Greenhouse Montreal will be Monday November 20 7-10 pm at David B's house. Write to me for directions. There is no hockey game or concert at the Bell Centre so parking should not be a problem.